
# Load the cdc data frame into the workspace:
a <-load(url("http://assets.datacamp.com/course/dasi/cdc.Rdata"))


# The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual telephone survey of 350,000 people in the United States. 
# As its name implies, the BRFSS is designed to identify risk factors in the adult population and report emerging health trends. 
# For example, respondents are asked about their diet and weekly physical activity, their HIV/AIDS status, possible tobacco use, and even their level of healthcare coverage.

Which variables are you working with?

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

# Print the names of the variables:

Taking a peek at your data

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

# Print the head and tails of the data frame:


# http://www.cdc.gov/brfss/

# This function returns a vector of variable names in which each name corresponds to a question that was asked in the survey. 
# For example, for genhlth, respondents were asked to evaluate their general health from excellent down to poor. 
# The exerany variable indicates whether the respondent exercised in the past month (1) or did not (0).
# Likewise, hlthplan indicates whether the respondent had some form of health coverage. 
# The smoke100 variable indicates whether the respondent had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in his lifetime.

Let's refresh

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# View the head or tail of both the height and the genhlth variables:

# Assign your sum here:
sum <- 84941 + 19686 

# Assign your multiplication here:
mult <- 73 * 51 

Turning info into knowledge - Numerical data

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

Turning info into knowledge - Categorical data

# categorical data: look at absolute or relative frequency. (범주형 data는 빈도를 보는 것이 좋다) 

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# Create the frequency table here:

table(cdc$genhlth)      # 빈도가 테이블 형태로 나온다

plot(cdc$genhlth)       # 빈도가 히스토그램으로 나온다 

# Create the relative frequency table here:

table(cdc$genhlth) / dim(cdc)[1]    # dim()을 쓰면 row, column 수가 나온다 

table(cdc$genhlth) / nrow(cdc)      # nrow도 동일한 결과가 나온다 

# dim(variable)[1] -> 행수

# dim(variable)[2] -> 열수

Creating your first barplot

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# Draw the barplot:
table(cdc$smoke100)         # 먼저 테이블로 표시 

barplot(table(cdc$smoke100)) # x축이 2개의 값을 갖는 히스토그램으로 표시 
# 먼저 table을 통해서 (0,1)로 묶어준다. 
# 그다음 그래프를 그린다.

# 모든 row에 대해서 0,1이 섞여서 출력 되므로 black으로 보인다. 

Even prettier: the Mosaic Plot

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

gender_smokers <- table(cdc$gender,cdc$smoke100)  # x,y의 분류축을 지정 
# table의 축을 지정해 줄수 있다. 


# Plot the mosaicplot:

# mosaicplot은 면적을 통해 가늠할수 있게 해 준다

Interlude: How R thinks about data (1)

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace



# Create the subsets:
height_1337 <- cdc[1337,5]
weight_111 <- cdc[111,6]

# Print the results:

Interlude (2)

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

# Create the subsets:

first8 <- cdc[1:8, 3:5]    # data table에서 특정한 영역만 선택 

wt_gen_10_20 <- cdc[10:20 , 6:9]

# Print the subsets:



Interlude (3)

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

# Create the subsets:
resp205 <- cdc[205,]

ht_wt <- cdc[,5:6]

# Print the subsets:


Interlude (4)

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

# Create the subsets:
resp1000_smk <- cdc$smoke100[1000]

first30_ht <- cdc$height[1:30]

# Print the subsets:

A little more on subsetting

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace


# Create the subsets:
very_good <- subset(cdc, genhlth =="very good")     # 조건으로 부분집합을 만든다
age_gt50 <- subset(cdc, age > 50)                   # 조건으로 부분집합을 만든다 

# subset(dataframe, column ==,>= "")  -> 조건에 맞는 부분집합을 추출 

# Print the subsets:
dim(very_good)[1]                                   # 2만중 6972개 
dim(age_gt50)[1]                                    # 2만중 6938개 

Subset - one last time

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace

# Create the subset:

under23_and_smoke <- subset(cdc, age < 23 & smoke100 == 1)      # == 조심 

# Print the top six rows of the subset:


Visualizing with box plots

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# Draw the box plot of the respondents heights:


# Print the summary:


# 최소 - 1/4th - 평균 - 3/4th - 최대

More on box plots

# This notation is new. The ~ operator can be read “versus” or “as a function of”.

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# Draw the box plot of the weights versus smoking:

boxplot(cdc$weight ~ cdc$smoke100)  # 담배를 x축으로 사용한 경우 

# boxplot은 numerical data의 분포에 사용 
# ~ 를 통해서 타 범주 구분에 따라 나누어 볼수 있다

One last box plot

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# Calculate the BMI:

bmi <- cdc$weight /(cdc$height^2) * 703.0

# Draw the box plot:

boxplot(bmi ~ cdc$genhlth)          # 건강상태에 따른 BMI 분포를 표시 


# The cdc data frame and bmi object are already loaded into the workspace.
# Draw a histogram of bmi:

# And one with breaks set to 50:
hist(bmi, breaks=50)

# And one with breaks set to 100:
hist(bmi, breaks=100)

# breaks는 구간의 갯수, bin의 개수

Weight vs. Desired Weight

# The cdc data frame is already loaded into the workspace.

# Draw your plot here:

plot(cdc$weight ~ cdc$wtdesire)     # 관계를 표시할때는 y ~ x 

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