2015. 6. 7. 22:25


A wildcard character can be used to substitute for any other character(s) in a string.

Using the SQL % Wildcard

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with "ber":


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE 'ber%';

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The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City containing the pattern "es": 


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE '%es%';

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Using the SQL _ Wildcard

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with any character, followed by "erlin":


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE '_erlin';

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The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with "L", followed by any character, followed by "n", followed by any character, followed by "on":


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE 'L_n_on';

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Using the SQL [charlist] Wildcard

The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with "b", "s", or "p":


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE '[bsp]%';

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The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City starting with "a", "b", or "c":


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE '[a-c]%';

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The following SQL statement selects all customers with a City NOT starting with "b", "s", or "p":


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City LIKE '[!bsp]%';


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE City NOT LIKE '[bsp]%';

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'SQL' 카테고리의 다른 글

BETWEEN Operator  (0) 2015.06.07
IN Operator  (0) 2015.06.07
LIKE Operator  (0) 2015.06.07
SELECT TOP  (0) 2015.06.07
Injection  (0) 2015.06.07
Posted by Name_null